Meeting em Bruxelas - Working Group on Europe 2020 & ET2020 08 October 2014 -
Chair: Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord, EUCIS-LLL General Secretary Participants: Alen Maletic (EUCIS-LLL), Andras Szucs (EDEN), A ntti Reinsalo (EUCIS-LLL), Audrey Frith (EUCIS-LLL), Bland ine Smilansky (EUROCLIO), Elisa Briga (EFIL), Ulla-Alexandra Mattl (EUCIS-LLL), (Daniele di Mitri (OBESSU), Eszter Salamon (EPA) , Helmut Vogt (EUCEN), Tiia Meuronen (SOLIDAR) Tania Berman (EAEA), Gina Ebner (EAEA) Etelberto Costa (ETDF) , Stefan Jahnke (ESN), Kathleen Wabrowetz (ESN). Guest: Philippe Ternes, Attaché for Education at the Permanent Representation of Luxembourg to the European Union. Welcome words Joke Van der Leeuw-Roord, EUCIS-LLL General Secretary, gave an introduction to the Working Group. Adoption of the agenda The agenda is adopted. State of play of the new EU political framework Infonote on the New European Commission EUCIS-LLL has prepared an information note on the new Commission after send...