Palestra sobre LLL/ALV na Conferencia da ECNAIS em Palma de maiorca “The meaning of Lifelong Learning for Civil Society and its impact on Independent Schools” - 10/13abril2014

ECNAIS - European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools

 EUCIS-LLL att: Mr Etelberto Costa Rua Joaquim Paco D’Arcos 1500-366 Lisbon Portugal 

date : The Hague, 15 April 2014 ref : ECNAIS/ 14.4894/SSt/lh 

conc : ECNAIS Conference, Mallorca 10-11 April 2014 

Dear Etelberto, 

Once again I want to thank you, also on behalf of my colleagues of the Executive Committee, for your inspiring presentation and your active role in the dialogue with the audience during our 26th ECNAIS Conference on the theme The meaning of Lifelong Learning for Civil Society and its impact on Independent Schools I have roughly looked into the evaluations form and my impression is that the participants highly appreciated your contribution to our conference. Can we enter your email address in our database as an interested person of ECNAIS? In that way we can inform you about future conferences/ seminars and other activities of ECNAIS. We have put your presentation on the ECNAIS website: I am sure that we will continue our personal collaboration. ECNAIS itself is seriously interested to join focus to EUCIS although it depends on the costs, because ECNAIS is with s0 many members in Central and Eastern Europe really a low budget organization. 

 Kind regards, Simon Steen chairman ECNAIS

2014 26th ECNAIS Conference/ Annual General Meeting of ECNAIS in Mallorca, Spain The Conference The Conference takes place from Thursday 10 April till (08.30) till Friday (18.00) followed by the official ECNAIS conference dinner. Theme of the conference “The meaning of Lifelong Learning for Civil Society and its impact on Independent Schools”


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