JUNE 2012 .-Changing the learning paradigm: the role of networks and technology.

Changing the learning paradigm: the role of networks and technology.

In November 2011 the European JRC-IPTS (Joint Research Centre Institute for Prospective Technological Studies of the European Commission) published a report entitled The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change.

In this report the general view is that collaboration, personalization and informal learning are core to learning in the future. This is not new in education / training, but lacking in principle become central direction for the organization of teaching and learning in the future. Many of the changes described in the report, also advocated by others in many other places and times, join here so that shows how urgent and pressing for policy makers to consider them, and propose and implement a fundamental change the paradigm of learning for a digital world and an economy in this dawn of the 21st century. This paradigm is characterized by lifelong learning, influenced by the ubiquity of information and communication technologies (ICTs).

It is perhaps why many experts on the issues of education and training in Portugal take position on this reality, that is clearly visible and present in the everyday life of organizations that want to say and in our schools and learning centers, that focus on their learners.

Continue to theorize and defend anciente practices or futuristic has made others progressed in the production of educational materials and training in Portuguese and put themselves at an advantage over us.

The paradigm shift in learning is an opportunity to blow the collaborative work in thematic networks of learning throughout life. And for that, the path should be to give priority in our lives and our daily activities. Joining forces from various sources in a common field of battle of interests of learning with an eye to the future. One case: www.lwgportugal.org.

The paradigm shift of learning is an opportunity to gain teachers, leaders and followers and learners joining them around common ideas about methodology, contexts and environments that generate more and better learning and simultaneously generate happiness and determination to learn. One case: www.projectgreat.eu.


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