05october2012 - A year to create vision as a contribuiter on the future of european lifelong learning

A year to create vision as a contribuiter on the future of european lifelong learning

In June 2011, Maja was far from imagining that her research and deep personal dedication to GBL - Game Based Learning in Europe, compiled and edited on your www.engagelearning.eu, will have continuity.

When she is contacted by me, her happiness were great - because we always like to see our efforts recognized by others - but retained some reservations about the viability of what we exposed.

Today (www.projectgreat.eu), we are looking to promote an International Conference in Lisbon in September 2013 and preparing presentations and interventions in some European countries, including in Brussels. Products and results are flowing and giving effluents. Open Education Resources as we are committed to.

The PTeam, a team of trainers / consultants gathered voluntarily in Portugal, leaded by Manuel Peixoto from APG (www.apg.pt) took their one route to create a supply of training (of trainers and managers) that can be distributed in European channels (via eLearning platform) and certified, giving a strong contribution to the process of recognition of informal and non-formal learning.

This team is in connection with other teachers / trainers from the partnership (Austria, Italy, Turkey, Romania) and associated partners (http://www.projectgreat.eu/partners/links/associate)-.I

t is known that GREAT was born by the will of the European Commission, through its program of life-long learning, on 02 October of that same year.

Today, it is clear that GREAT is more than a European project: - is a stated desire of many European knowledge agents to contribute to the future of lifelong learning in Europe and, in particular, to the strategy of education / training E&T 20202 that is designed for the period 2014-2020.

The dissemination strategy, pursued in a systematic manner (http://www.projectgreat.eu/project), based on the theme "Games Based Learning - Digital Games enhancing Learning ", popularized by the acronym GBL is being spread through dissemination sessions GREAT at national level and in our magazine staff. Already ran in Romania and Croatia, arrived in Brazil, Ireland and Italy.

Relying on the methodology, GBL is about to know the new trends in Europe (and, come to find out, in the world) on the development of learning systems in structured training methodologies and enhancement of behavioral skills using digital fun games. (Referred to distance themselves, from serious games or gamification).

Europe is. yet, starting its initial steps in this learning methodology (although it already appears in the documents of European strategic direction for education and training since 2009, decision of the European Parliament), and with GREAT, this partnership works on the first league for innovation and the future of lifelong learning.

Be a GREAT learner
Etelberto Costa
05 October 2012


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