Fourth Stakeholder’s Forum on EU cooperation in Education and Training - “Priority areas for the 2012-­14 work cycle of the Strategic Framework ET2020”

Monday 26th to Tuesday 27th September 2011 in Brussels.

A EUCIS LLL ( é uma plataforma que agrega 19 organizações europeias entre as quais as representantes (12) da ETDF-european training and development federation (, de que faz parte a APG ( .


This Forum co-¬‐organised by DG EAC and EUCIS-¬‐LLL will allow European stakeholders to give their views on progress made during the first cycle and to make concrete proposals on the priority areas of the second cycle.

Purpose of the Fórum

Key messages from this Stakeholders' Forum will be used by the European Commission in drafting its proposal for the 2012 Joint Progress Report on the implementation of ET2020, which will be adopted by the Council and the Commission in February 2012.


-¬‐ End November 2011:

Commission Communication, Draft 2012 Joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Education & Training 2020 work programme.

-¬‐ February 2012: Adoption of the Joint progress report of the Council and the Commission on the implementation of the Education & Training 2020 work programme.

Organisation of the Fórum

It is organised by the DG EAC in partnership with the EUCIS-¬‐LLL Platform.

Participants to be focused on following

Strategic Objectives

Making proposals for:

1. Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality

2. Improving the quality and efficiency of education and training

3. Promoting equity, social cohesion and active citizenship

4. Enhancing creativity and innovation, including entrepreneurship, at all levels of education and training.


About 100 participants representing 80 organizations and a direct involvement of the Commission DG EAC (education and culture, including the Director of the directorate and the Head of Unit 1).

In the 1st Hour boss for Pierre Mairesse speech: "" il faut action sur la confiance. " Croire was the key word. Passed in detail the headline targets, the two Flagships Initiatives and finally the Thematic Areas.

In a 2º moment of team work, discussion groups previously organized by topic according to the four strategic objectives. Each group with a Chair and a Rapporteur. Read below in more detail.

In the 3rd moment of the work (Day 2 morning), tables (about 6 / 8 people) were invited to submit three recommendations for starting three questions:

*How to Improve Governance and participation?

*How to Improve the Impact of E & T 2020?

*What we want to Achieve by 2020?

Tables allowed 30 minutes for each question.

After the break the coordination team adressed the recommendations from facilitators electing a synthesis constraints / Barriers and solutions / proposals.

Conclusions and summary:
From General Forum

On the 2nd moment of the group work time, (late afternoon, first day) the rapporteurs summarized in 5 min. each, the results (3 recommendations). There was room for three interventions from the audience. Summary: "Lack of communication"; emphasis on employability to be changed; validation / certification on informal / non-formal learning; Intervention stakeholders at national level, cross partnership and peer learning; Reducing Bureaucracy.

In the late morning of Day 2

1.Taking a stock (12) points of discussion on LLL

2. Key messages for future steps

Eucis will produce a report and a proposal to the Commission, based on reflections on the forum.

NOTE: The Eucis is promoting the foundation of the European Institute for the LLL (EILLL) that is in the design phase of the business plan and feasibility study and acceptance by DG EAC of the commission. New Meeting takes place on 09 November in Brussels.

Results from whsp 4 on Enhance innovation and creativity, including entrepreneurship

Participants (16) invited to take stock of the progress made in the 1st cycle of the ET2020.

No WG 4 Claudio Dondi conduziu os trabalhos agrupando os participantes em 3 grupos temáticos: What measures have been implemented to effectively address the challenges set? What is the impact on the national/regional systems? Do the priorities address challenges of the Europe 2020 strategy? What are the gaps and persisting challenges?

On this basis what should be the priority areas of the 2nd Cycle?

Pursue work on:

— Transversal key competences: In accordance with the December 2006 Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council, take greater account of transversal key competences in curricula, assessment and qualifications.

Develop cooperation on:

— Innovation-¬friendly institutions:

Promote creativity and innovation by developing specific teaching and learning methods (including the use of new ICT tools and teacher training).

— Partnership:

Develop partnerships between education and training providers and businesses, research institutions, cultural actors and creative industries, and promote a well-¬‐functioning knowledge triangle.

• Shifting from the process to the learning outcomes (portfolios and competences) challenge!

• Internet is becoming the greatest learning resource (however only 5% of students in EU are doing elearning courses)

• Implementing is the key word of the DG EC for the next period (it means, no more project pilots)

• To be able to change the education process (in all fields) we have to start to change the assessment and the certification system;

• Buzzwords: collaboration; cooperation; sharing; communication; connectivity.

• Efquel recommendations

1. give sacle to TEL;

2. promote evaluation systems;

3. learning schools initiatives.

• Change in education is about stakeholders involvement and participation in descision process.

• Courage to satnd out of the routine

• expand the definition on employability looking more for the personnel development and social responsability and awareness.

• Networks must work and be integrated by national policiees makers.

• Incentivate european presidencies to join moments for bringing stakeholders on discussion of policies (road shows for coordination).

29 september 2011.


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