
ETDF Assembly & International Meeting, Rome

31 March 2011/01 April 2011. The now traditional discussion on a selected item will deal with the "state of the art" of T&E in the represented countries, followed by a Meeting on Learning organised by AIF: "Learning & Development professionals: what can we learn from each other in Europe?...

where good ideias come from? e o que é que isso tem a ver com aprendizagem?

Where innovation comes from? To stay ahead in business, a firm must continually re-invent itself. In the twentieth century, firms could compete on execution. Winners were those who played the game well. Comentário de Jay Cross no novo livro de Steve Johnson. Steven Johnson has written a book that looks at innovation from all angles. He explains what nurtures innovation. I’m adding his thinking to my concept of the workscape. Innovation = working smarter. This is Johnson’s best book since his must-read tour of complexity science, Emergence. Most of the words below were lifted directly from the book.

ICT and Education from DGEC point of view

Lieve Van den Brande -released last issue on the subject In the context of the E-learning: the grand challenges, Lieve Van den Brande discussed the strategy of the European Commission and the importance for e-learning in the future....


EUCIS-LLL draft position paper on the future  EU programmes starting 2014. Please add your contribution. Reading page at left of the Blog.

Trends na Indústria do Learning para 2011

Blogue da Chief Learning Officer. Com a emergência de cenários mais favoráveis para a Economia (ainda não é o caso português) o negócio da formação vai voltar ao seu crescimento exponencial. Mas não como era....felizmente.! Algo está a mudar.!

EVE da CE- - nova plataforma de informação sobre projectos europeus

" Eve is the electronic platform for the dissemination and exploitation of results of projects supported by programmes managed by the European Commission in the fields of Education, Training, Culture, Youth and Citizenship." Lançada e Gerida pela DG E_C aqui encontra informação de TODOS os projectos até agora financiados (e não só pela DG E_C) desde 1994...É um Grandíssimo BenchLearning para se evitar "inventar a roda". Para os coordenadores de projectos em parceria é uma "montra" para contactos, divulgação e promoção.

Teaching, learning for an ICT Revolutionised Society

“Inclusive and high qualitative Education is a key factor for Smart, Sustainable an Inclusive growth as mentioned in the EU strategy 2020” Organizado e dirigido pela parceria liderada pela Un. de Manchester no Projecto Far Horizon financiado pelo 7º Programa Quadro ICT. Participaram 25 experts com destaque para os investigadores do JRC/IPTS e os funcionários de DG's da CE. 2 December 2010 – Working dinner QUESTÃO DE PARTIDA NA MESA (8 pessoas x 3 mesas): How do we prevet parts of our population from becoming excluded because of their underveloped e-competences? 3 December 2010 - trabalhos em sala - 6 mesas Break-out Session 1: Challenges and requirements for the future of education coming from ICT developments Objective: to develop a common view or vision of the role for education in the ICT/digital preparation of European citizens in 2020? What vision should we have of an effective role for education and life long learning in Europe in 2020 with regard to ICT /digital devel...