Teaching, learning for an ICT Revolutionised Society

“Inclusive and high qualitative Education is a key factor for Smart, Sustainable an Inclusive growth as mentioned in the EU strategy 2020”

Organizado e dirigido pela parceria liderada pela Un. de Manchester no Projecto Far Horizon financiado pelo 7º Programa Quadro ICT. Participaram 25 experts com destaque para os investigadores do JRC/IPTS e os funcionários de DG's da CE.

2 December 2010 – Working dinner
QUESTÃO DE PARTIDA NA MESA (8 pessoas x 3 mesas): How do we prevet parts of our population from becoming excluded because of their underveloped e-competences?
3 December 2010 - trabalhos em sala - 6 mesas
Break-out Session 1: Challenges and requirements for the future of education coming from ICT developments
Objective: to develop a common view or vision of the role for education in the ICT/digital preparation of European citizens in 2020?
What vision should we have of an effective role for education and life long learning in Europe in 2020 with regard to ICT /digital developments?
Break-out Session 2: Key Policies to achieve effective ICT related educational policy in Europe.
Objective: To identify the key policies or instruments that are needed to achieve the vision (taking barriers and obstacles into account).
Mechanics: Working in pairs or threes delegates are asked to write their policy suggestions on Post-it notes and stick these on appropriate flip-chart/wall-space. Facilitators of the previous groups will “own” a flip chart or wall-space and negotiate priority and clustering of suggestions.
Towards a success scenario of ICT related education policy – plenary discussion
Based on brief presentations of the previous working groups, possible elements of a success scenario will be discussed and synthesized, including organisational and institutional adjustments necessary to achieve them.
Voting on the policy suggestions (LUNCH TIME)
Objective: a) to prioritise the policies and barriers identified during the break-out.Mechanism: Participants give coloured Post-it dots to attach to charts.
Tópicos Criticos Concordantes: - Engagement of stakeholders; Innovation by Doing (done in the context); teach critical use of digital media; integrate ICT acrooss curricula; ID skills to be a citizen; Give teachers time/support for training - multipliers; train trainers for different settings.
Breakout Session 3: Governance of future policy
Objective: To assess the ways in which key groups can shape the pace and direction of education in relation to ICT in Europe, including possible structural or institutional changes.
Mechanism: After a brief plenary presentation of the prioritised policies, three break-out groups consider the issue from the perspective of major institutional players in innovation policy. The actual topics will be chosen after quick analysis of the outcome of the morning sessions.
Plenary Session 3: Towards a Roadmap for a European Digital Fluency , a digital agenda for learning and teaching.
Objective: To agree on key messages, challenges, actions and a timeline for the actions identified in the workshop.
Closing Summary and comments on research needs – Luke Georghiou, Far horizon member Vice President Innovation of the University of Manchester.

Resultados a serem editados no incio do próximo ano e um conjunto mais de personalidades que podemos somar para a nossa Rede em futuros eventos ou trabalhos.


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