
Conferência elearning 2011 da Global Estratégias

Intervenção na Conferência elearning 2011 da Global Estratégias em 26 de Maio.

1st Digital Agenda Assembly - participando activamente

10h30 Thematic Panel: Lessons learnt Discussing and showcasing successful eLearning policies and tools Trazer para Portugal o que vão ser as orientações e as propostas da agenda EU 2020.

Educação e Tecnologias - Reflexão, Inovação e Práticas

É o resultado de uma prática investigativa de vários docentes da lusitanidade.

"The Development and People Management in EU Public Sector (case Portugal) :

Apresentação no Forum PA- Roma - Fundação Alma Mater em 10 de Maio de 2011.

ETDF Assembly & International Meeting, Rome

31 March 2011/01 April 2011. The now traditional discussion on a selected item will deal with the "state of the art" of T&E in the represented countries, followed by a Meeting on Learning organised by AIF: "Learning & Development professionals: what can we learn from each other in Europe?...

where good ideias come from? e o que é que isso tem a ver com aprendizagem?

Where innovation comes from? To stay ahead in business, a firm must continually re-invent itself. In the twentieth century, firms could compete on execution. Winners were those who played the game well. Comentário de Jay Cross no novo livro de Steve Johnson. Steven Johnson has written a book that looks at innovation from all angles. He explains what nurtures innovation. I’m adding his thinking to my concept of the workscape. Innovation = working smarter. This is Johnson’s best book since his must-read tour of complexity science, Emergence. Most of the words below were lifted directly from the book.

ICT and Education from DGEC point of view

Lieve Van den Brande -released last issue on the subject In the context of the E-learning: the grand challenges, Lieve Van den Brande discussed the strategy of the European Commission and the importance for e-learning in the future....