European CouncilHorizon Europe budget to be cut by €2.1B, as defence research gets a €1.5B boost
Há dois anos quando a guerra na Ucrânia começou preveni algumas organizações da E&F&A que o desinvestimento seria inevitável e que mais dinheiro teria que ir para a DEFESA Europeia, tão esquecida (adormecida) estivera desde a II guerra mundial!
Por agora, no orçamento 20224, evitou-se o pior para o Erasmus+ e para as organizações europeias de E&F&A, mas não para I&D e em especial para o Horizonte Europa.
Que, desse investimento em Defesa, uma componente significativa seja dedicada a I&D e aos objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e ao Ambiente. E tanto que há para fazer nestes domínios na DEFESA Europeia!
Two years ago, when the war in Ukraine began, I warned some E&T&L organizations that desinvestment would be inevitable and that more money would have to go to European DEFENCE, so forgotten (dormant) it had been since World War II!
For now, in the 20224 budget, the worst has been avoided for Erasmus+ and European E&T&L organisations, but not for R&D and especially Horizon Europe.
That a significant component of this investment in Defence be dedicated to R&D and the Sustainable Development Goals and the Environment protection!. And so much there is to do in these areas in the European DEFENCE!
30. The European Council of 24 february 2024 agrees on reinforcing new priorities by
EUR 64,6 billion (out of which
EUR 33 billion loans and EUR 10,6 billion redeployments), as follows:
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EUR 50 billion for Ukraine (EUR 17 billion grants and EUR 33 billion loans)
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EUR 2 billion for Migration and Border Management (Heading 4)
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EUR 7,6 billion for Neighbourhood and the World (Heading 6)
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EUR 1,5 billion to the European Defence Fund under the new instrument STEP
(Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform)
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EUR 2 billion for the Flexibility Instrument
- +EUR 1,5 billion for the Solidarity and Aid Reserve
Erasmus+ Coalition published a reaction to the Spanish Presidency's proposed cuts to all education, training, research, sports and youth EU programmes. The widespread pressure from diverse stakeholders, including civil society, has paid off. On 1 February, during an extraordinary meeting of the European Council, a set of conclusions on the multiannual financial framework and Ukraine were adopted. These conclusions leave the Erasmus+ programme untouched, though there is a redeployment of EUR 2.1 billion from the Horizon Europe programme. Though this crisis point avoided a hit on Erasmus+, which bodes well for future negotiations on the next Multiannual Financial Framework, the point on education and training programmes being the first one proposed for cuts remains worrisome.
Research in Europe suffers a €2.1 billion cut
Horizon Europe will have its €95.5 billion budget cut by €2.1 billion, with €1.5 billion diverted to defence research, following an agreement by EU heads of state in Brussels. Read more
Entretanto, as partes interessadas na investigação preparam-se para as negociações sobre o programa sucessor do Horizonte Europa, o 10.º PQ, que deverá ter início em 2028. Vários eurodeputados instaram a Comissão a propor um orçamento de pelo menos 200 mil milhões de euros, enquanto a presidente do Conselho Europeu de Investigação, Maria Leptin, afirmou que o orçamento para o PQ10 deveria ser pelo menos o dobro do orçamento do Horizonte Europa.
Meanwhile, research stakeholders are preparing for negotiations on Horizon Europe's successor programme, FP10, which is expected to start in 2028. Several MEPs have called on the Commission to propose a budget of at least €200 billion, while European Research Council President Maria Leptin has said that the budget for FP10 should be at least double the budget for Horizon Europe.
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