Conhecimento - o Graal dos nossos dias - BIBLIOTECAS e a WEB


Citando de VALLEJO, Irene (o Infinito num junco) a pag 42(cap.11

"Na origem da Internet havia o sonho de acalentar uma conversa mundial. Era preciso criar itinerários, avenidas, rotas aéreas para as palavras. Cada texto precisava de ume referência de um Link-, graças ao qual o leitor poderia encontrá-lo a partir de qualquer computador em qualquer canto do mundo. Timothy John Berners-Lee  (criador da estruturação da WEB) procurou inspiração no espaço ordenado e ágil das bibliotecas públicas. Cada documento teria um endereço que era único (URL) - o equivalente exto do código de uma biblioteca. E, foi mais longe criando o protocolo de transferência de hipertexto (HTTP) que funciona como as fichas de requisição para pedir a um bibliotecário que procure um livro. 

So, simple, isn´t it.!

 Seve este intróito para chegarmos a Demétrio de Faleros que inventou o ofício, até então inexistente de blibliotecário. Estava-se em Alexandria no reinado de Ptolomeu, que sucedera a Alexandre o Grande, como soberano do Egipto estebelecendo na capital Alexandria a que seria a mui famosa Biblioteca de Alexandria onde vieram a guardar milhões de papiros, pergaminhos, tábuas e tabuinhas...., "


Citation from the Declaration of Alexandra of the VII WORLD FORUM CMatlv (World Committee for Lifelong Learning (WCLLL) by the Working Group on Health Education

Comité Mundial para el Aprendizaje a lo Largo de Toda la Vida (CMAtlv)
"Contrary to popular belief of a great fire that suddenly destroyed everything, reducing to ashes the greatest collection of knowledge ever accumulated up to that time, the truth is that the great Library of Alexandria succumbed when the power politics ceased to value knowledge and the creation of knowledge. There was no dramatic fire, but rather a decline throughout four centuries punctuated by multiple small fires and marked by the devaluation of knowledge and those who produce it, by the disinvestment in culture and, above all, by intolerance towards those who think differently.
This political and sociological climate of the time of the decline explains how Hero of Alexandria, who avidly frequented the Library in the 1st century, developed the first steam engine and both this invention and its technology ended up being lost in the time, returning to the service of Humanity only in the 18th century.
Returning to the symbolic place where the Declaration is intended to be written, there is something to remember: if the greatest cause of the decline of the Library of Alexandria, and in general of all the others that appeared in the Mediterranean basin at that time, was the progressive disinterest of political power towards knowledge and intolerance towards difference, the lesser cause
was the fact that knowledge was contained within its own walls  In the Library of Alexandria, this space for depositing knowledge was called the “Mouseion”, the origin of the current word Museum. At the time, the need to disseminate knowledge as a tool for furthering progress, quality of life, peace, social equity and citizen health was unknown. We know it today!"


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