email de organização do juri
I have gathered you in this message because you have all been selected and nominated as Jury for the LLLAwards
2017. Thank you very much for your availability and for accepting the nomination.
I am writing to you to let you know the next steps in the selection of the best practices for this year. To begin with, I
would like to establish a first contact through a Skype meeting in the next days: this is to render you aware of the
procedures, how to express your preferences, what system of votes we have foreseen, and so forth. So please go
ahead and fill in this doodle for your availability.
For your information, we have received 27 eligible applications this year. Amid those, you will have to select three
awardees in three different categories:
Education and Democracy
Education and Social Inclusion
Education and Innovative Pedagogy
Selection criteria are outlined in the internal document attached. Those are only general concepts, we will share
before the first online meeting the actual grids.
Then, I would suggest for you to take two or three weeks to evaluate the initiatives according to the criteria that we
will illustrate. Once this process is concluded, we would then proceed to a final online meeting to consolidate those
results. Please input here your availability for this second meeting.
Once we will have the results, we will proceed and communicate them to the winning initiatives in order for
representatives to come to the LLLWeek Reception on November 21st, in Brussels, from 18.00 onward. Do save the
date on this event, as your presence will be very much appreciated.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come back to us
LLL Award 2017 – Brief Summary
Contrary to last year, the Secretariat suggest that only 3 Awards should be given out for the 2017
edition. This suggestion is based on the 2016 experience, namely the unclear notion of “best practice”
applied to our target group and the difficulties encountered by the Jury in reaching a decision for that
Theme for 2017:
Education in a Digital World: Ensuring Universality, Quality and Access
The focus of the 2017 LLLAwards edition is the inclusiveness in the digital era tackling different
aspects on how this technological development is affecting and transforming education practices.
The aim will be to award three initiatives in three different categories, as follows:
1. Education and Democracy
This category will reward initiatives that enhance critical thinking using digital tools, that raises
awareness of civic rights within the internet, and promote active participation in democracy in the
digital era.
2. Education and Social Inclusion
This category will reward initiatives that tackle the issue of access to and inclusion in digital learning.
This award will demonstrate the need to push forward the digital agenda in a way that allows all
learners to benefit from a digital education, namely learners from a disadvantaged background but
also adults having left school.
3. Education and Innovative Pedagogy
This category will reward initiatives using digital tools in learning/teaching in an innovative manner,
or participating in transforming teaching and learning methods through technology.
Although divided into 3 categories, the initiatives will all promote universal access and quality digital
LLLAwards 2017 – Brief
Eligibility criteria:
● Person or organisation or project
● The initiative takes place in the field of Education and Training;
● The initiative applies methods from formal, non-formal and/or informal
education or takes place in a formal, non-formal and/or informal educational
● The initiative targets any age group and may target several age groups;
● The initiative targets any areas of life and may combine several;
● The initiative is based on a cross-sectoral cooperation (involving civil society
organisation, schools, trade unions, companies, universities…);
● The initiative should not be older than 4 years;
● The initiative must not have already been awarded by another European Prize;
● Applicants must be over 18;
● Applicants must be European citizens or active in one of the EU Member
Timeline 2017:
- 31th of January: Launch
o Request members to distribute and further promote in their membership
o Request key partners such as European Schoolnet, ECAS, DigitalEurope etc to
promote in their networks
- Communication/Promotion before and during LLLP Annual Conference 2017
- May-July 2017: selection of Jury members
o Steering Committee members:
o MEP Sirpa?
o Experts:
- 30th of June: Last day to submit
- July 2017: Screening from the Secretariat based on non eligibility criteria to set in advance
- September 2017: 2-3 weeks time for evaluation
- October 2017: Jury meets to conclude the results and select the awardees
- Later in October: Announcement
- Social media communication
- LLLWeek: LLLAwards Ceremony in the Parliament
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