Speaker - Parallel session 2 – Topic 1 SMART VET 4.0 for INDUSTRY 4.0 22 November 2017 14h-16h30



Parallel session 2 – Topic 1

22 November 2017 14h-16h30

PLB – ROOM 2.16

Moderator: Margarida Segard

Speakers: Etelberto Costa; Andre Magrinho

Annotated Agenda

  1. PowerPoint. If you are preparing a PowerPoint, please keep it short, less than one slide per minute. Use bullet points and key words rather than full sentences. Use illustrations if you can. Stick to the big picture and avoid unnecessary details.

  2. Refreshments. Coffee will be available outside the room in the ATRIUM from 14H

  3. Timing. The schedule is very tight so it is important that you stick to the allocated time of each speaker.

  4. Moderator to remind participants that the plenary session starts again in CHAR at 17h sharp. There is a walking dinner at the end.

  5. A strong focus of the session should be for people MAKING THEIR VOICE HEARD! and coming up with concrete recommendations and ideas.

  6. Horst is the rapporteur preparing the written report after the meeting and providing the info to Santiago for his panel discussion at 17h


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