EC/DGEAC/VETWEEK/European VET Conference Promoting the Vocational Skills Agenda together 22 November 2017 S.M.A.R.T VET – the role of VET and PHE Providers

 VETWEEK em Bruxelas

Participação a convite da Comissão

EUROPEAN VOCATIONAL SKILLS CONFERENCE 22 November 2017 Promoting the Vocational Skills Agenda - Together Charlemagne, Alcide de Gasperi conference room, Rue de la Loi 170, 1000 Brussels

European VET Conference

Promoting the Vocational Skills Agenda together

22 November 2017
S.M.A.R.T VET – the role of VET and PHE Providers



9:00 – 12:20

Plenary session of the European Business Forum on Vocational Training (see separate programme)


Introduction to the afternoon sessions – Director for Skills, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (tbc)

Participants move into the 6 different parallel sessions

13:55 – 17:00

(coffee break in the room)

Session n° 2 – S.M.A.R.T VET : the role of VET and Professional Higher Education (PHE) Providers

Now is the time, to ensure that good ideas and examples turn into real improvements of Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems. VET providers have a key role to play in cooperation with all other stakeholders.

In this workshop, you will contribute actively to new meanings behind S.M.A.R.T VET reflecting on three main topics: smart permeability from VET to HE, smart Industry 4.0, smart Communities of practices

(for your info SMART could be translated into the meanings below, and unveiled only at the Conference)

Sustainable ( Education for employability and innovation)

Measurable ( The effect of interventions should have a measurable or perceivable outcome, continuing monitoring and skills tracking is need)

Anticipation (Ability to anticipate and prepare for future skills requirements, on a Business-VET eco-system basis)

Responsible ( Education for durable world and with long term effectiveness according to the concepts of People planet profit)

Technological ( The use of ICT and new technological challenges to improve educational effectiveness and the world of work (TEL)

Topic 1 - Smart permeability from VET to HE through international mobility arrangements

The workshop will discuss the opportunity to develop new flexible pathways for smart permeability between VET and HE by using international mobility's from VET at level 4 into Higher Education at level 5. Instruments for this can be the use of level 5 qualifications (like Higher VET and Short Cycle HE e.g. the Associate degree), international arrangements for work-based learning (like apprenticeships, internships and dual systems), and the involvement of international networks for companies (like the so-called multi-nationals and their partners in ‘the world of SMEs’).

Moderator : Hans Daale, Chain5

Speakers (tbc) : short pitches? by Nick Davy, Sylvie Bonichon, Ole Faaborg, Tamer Atabarut, Jo Bayens, Santiago Garcia

Rapporteur : Alicia Leonor Sauli-Miklavčič

Topic 2 - Smart VET 4.0 for Smart Industry 4.0

Business world is rapidly changing due to new 4.0 revolution and therefore VET providers have new (disruptive) challenges concerning efficiency, excellence and new learning outcomes for the near future (technical skills and soft skills). Some new jobs and skills need to be designed, on a “Business-VET eco-system basis”

We know that 65% of our kids will work on new job types that don’t yet exist and in another country, Europe has a huge skills mismatch which is increasing due to 4.0 SMART Industry and we estimate that, if we don’t change this scenario rapidly; millions of jobs will be lost till 2020, all over the world, due to lack of right skills for 4.0. A new paradigm for Lifelong learning is born. Smart VET solutions for adults and youngsters are strongly needed.

Moderator : Margarida Segard, ISQ/EVBB

Speakers : (tbc)

Rapporteur :


Results of the discussions by moderators/rapporteurs mentioned above


Back to Plenary with all other 5 workshops for reporting session and conclusions of the day

Evening networking

18:00 – 19:30

Participants are invited to a networking walking dinner/drink (tbc)


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