Best of ADAM - Innovative products for vocational education - o projeto europeu Great coordenado pela APG


Destaque na newsletter da plataforma europeia ADAM-NEWSLETTER 01 | 2010 05 Winter 2014-2015 | 1


Best of ADAM - Innovative products for vocational education 

Practice-oriented solutions for current challenges: More than 14.000 VET products on ADAM

Dear reader, Welcome to a special edition of the ADAM-Newsletter! In the past 6 years, Leonardo da Vinci projects have had a major influence on vocational education practices and systems in Europe and have supported Europe in achieving the 2020 targets for intelligent, sustainable and integrative growth. In this newsletter we would like to present you with a selection of 35 good practice projects from all over Europe that are examples of excellence representative of all the many great projects you can find in ADAM. We would appreciate your feedback and wish you an informative read! Your ADAM Team | www.adam-europe.e

PT - Portugal Game-based Research in Education and Action Training  (GREAT)

The use of games as educational tools is seen as a trend pointing to the future of learning. Using games for learning is effective because they create rich contexts where educational objectives can be defined and theoretical concepts can be applied in practical situations. Educational games promote the development of personal and social skills as they favor cultural awareness, socialization, respect for others, teamwork, leadership, decision making and collaborative learning. The GREAT project is building on this trend by developing a methodology and a way to use game-based learning in the teaching-learning process through the transfer of innovative methodologies. Game-Based Learning includes all forms of formal or informal learning which are supported by digital simulations, games, modelling, virtual and augmented reality, new interaction devices, toys and playthings. Main target groups of the project were trainers and teachers from training companies or organizations (focusing on SMEs and on social economy) and VET organizations. 

 The main outcomes of the GREAT project are an online catalogue of games and a training package containing a handbook to help trainers and teachers integrate game-based learning in the teaching-learning process and a training-of-trainers course curriculum, all available online for free. 

Contact Portuguese Association of Human Resources Managers, Lisbon


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